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India’s position on Article 6 at COP25: Explained![]() By : Abhilasha Fullonton, Jan 15, 2020
At this year’s COP25, much of the conversation was on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement which calls on countries to set up voluntary market and non-market mechanisms that promotes sustainable... Read more.. Subject Tags: article 6 , carbon credits , carbon market , carbon offsets , carbon price , CDM , CERs , Certified Emission Reductions , conference of parties , COP 25 , green projects , India , international carbon market , international cooperation , nationally determined contributions (NDCs) , offset credits , offsets , Paris Agreement , policymaking , price of pollution , Sustainable Development Mechanism (SDM) , UNFCCC |
Opinion: India should go beyond UNFCCC CoPs to garner financing and technology![]() By : Dhanapal G, Jan 8, 2020
India has been an active member of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by pushing for international commitments while taking voluntary climate actions such as the... Read more.. Subject Tags: Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) , Clean Technology , climate finance , Common but Differentiated Responsibility (CBDR) , cop , finance , Green Climate Fund , Kyoto Protocol , National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency , Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) , State Action Plans on Climate Change (SAPCCs) , Sustainable Management , UNFCCC |
Strategic Alliance for Water Stewardship: A Collaborative Approach to Advance Water Security![]() By : Ashish Bhardwaj..., Nov 20, 2019
India is facing a serious and persistent water resource crisis owing to the growing imbalance of demand and supply, poor water quality, and climate-induced water scarcity. A 2030 Water Resources... Read more.. |